Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who are you?

“Who are you?” asked a hermit;
Non-scantimonious and calm as
The mansarovar is.
“Who am I.?!” replied the soul,
Struck at the painful chord.
“Yes my friend, who are you?” asked he;
“I’m this & this of that and that in so & so”,
replied the unaesthetic soul
Whose bowl was impure wih ego.
“No dear, who are you?” asked the hermit;
Calm enough to abate a storm of queries…
Replied the soul,
”I am the owner of this & that and so & so amount of money.”
with ego striving for its hold.
Smiled the saint and said,
“my dear, land is owned by none and money is mere paper,
the dust of thee hands.. I’m asking who are you?”
The soul, now cleansed a little; answered..
”I am the father of my son, husband of my wife,
son of my parents and a citizen of this nation”
The hermit now added;
“No my friend; you have answered your kinship..
but who are you?“
Now; the soul fully cleansed and awakened;
Uttered with innocence ”I am the gift of God to this bounty nature; asking nothing in return..”
Replied the saint,”That is the apt answer to my question. Very well my boy,
For you have realized who you really are.!”
Reciprocating the smile of the soul; the hermit added:
“A man is the one who is solicitous of the subtle nature
and does something in favor of the Force
under whose aegis we live.!”